Seen and Heard V

Here’s a HUGE photo update including photos from:

  • Kofi Annan at CCNY
  • Women’s History Month Kick Off
  • Women’s Leadership Summit
  • Sisters Rising
  • Cuban Women Filmmakers Event
  • Morocco x Ghana Study Abroad Presentation
  • Junot Diaz at CCNY
  • Health for Her Wealth


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International Women’s History Month


On the upcoming 9th of this March, two of our very own International Studies, assistant program director, Dr. Griselda Rodriguez and International Studies major, Janee’ Aiken will be speaking at the 57th session of the Commission of Women at the UN in honor of International Women history month. As you all know, March marks the celebration of powerful, strong women in history and their struggle, achievements, and inspirations.

International Women’s Day is held yearly on March 8th. It marks and celebrates the achievements of many women, those including but not limited to Frida Kahlo, Michelle Obama, Susan B. Anthony, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, and every woman. Frida Kahlo, a politically active painter, was best known for her self-portrait which depicted her pain and suffering of her life and her surroundings. Susan B. Anthony, was an American civil rights activist, an advocate for women suffrage and rights. Michelle Obama, the first African American first lady, an advocate for health and poverty issues. And Sonia Maria Sotomayor serves as the first Hispanic in the Supreme Court Justice. There are many well-known women recognized in this month. It also nevertheless, recognizes every women out there, whether those known or not. It celebrates the powerful freedom fighters in the Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, etc. It celebrates those making history everyday, and those struggling to get by their days. This is a month of celebration and honoring of every powerful, strong woman out there.

The International Studies department is honored to hold events for this month. For the upcoming weeks of March, be on the lookout for our women empowerment celebrations happening right here at CCNY. Starting this Women’s History Month with the Kick-Off, Dr. Rodriguez will be speaking in the Hoffman Lounge in the NAC from 12-2 on March the 5th. Mark your calendars!
