Elections and Announcements

Professor James Biles giving students an update on the status of changes to the IS Program

The April 19th SAIS club meeting proved to be an eventful one! Even though nothing was official yet, Dr. James Biles spoke of the upcoming changes to the International Studies Program, including the addition of a new professor who is a cultural anthropologist. Her addition will immediately benefit the Culture and Communication and Development concentrations through the creation of courses, and she may become a Co-Director of the IS Program in the future. Respected sociologist and professor Dr. Griselda Rodriguez may also become a liaison in the program, or an Assistant Program Coordinator as Professor Biles called it, to continue aiding IS students in a program-wide scale. Professor Biles also spoke of the pending change to the thesis requirement, explaining that he is seeking to make it an option. It will require a minimum GPA instead, so that way the students who do sign up are more likely to graduate with honors. To wrap up his portion of the meeting, Professor Biles reiterated previous sentiments to the crowd about where the club and program have started from, where we should aim to go in the future, and reflected on the past academic year by saying that he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and that he hopes to see the program’s progress continue.

Then came the elections! A decent amount students attended the meeting, as you can see by the photo, and once the candidates had the floor, things got interesting! Unfortunately, current Vice-President Dairanys Grullon-Virgil had to step down from her position, as she will be graduating from CCNY fairly soon! I,Veronica Agard, sought to continue to my position as President, and Yarilet Perez went to move from current Secretary to the Vice-President position. We both ran unopposed, so the competitiveness of the day wasn’t from those executive positions. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary respectively had two and four candidates in the race! The amount of interest in the positions was a joy to see, as well other students who just wanted to become more active members.

Club members and candidates gearing up for the elections portion of the meeting

Short speeches were made by current Treasurer Yani Labor-Koroma and candidate Nazir Zakari, and by Paulina Levya, Sabina Sajid, Nick Macaluso, and Tahsin Chowdhury for the Secretary position. They all brought something different to the table in  both their character and experience, which made it hard for voters to decide between so many students with the best intentions in the world. However, there could only be one for each respective position. The candidates left the room, and voting procedures were conducted. Once the tally votes were counted, the candidates re-entered the room to hear the results. Nazir Zakari was chosen to become our new Treasurer, and Nick Macaluso was selected to be our new Secretary. For the other candidates, it was a good opportunity to show their dedication as active club members and it did not go unrecognized.

The key points to take out of this meeting where simple; the activity of the club and the International Studies Program is the best way to attract new students as a means to build a presence on campus and to receive the recognition that we deserve. As Professor Biles will tell you, the program and the club are and will be what we as students make of it. I don’t know about you, but I think that the future looks bright.

Could It Be You? Part II!

Here are the logistics for the SAIS Elections for the ’12-’13 Academic Year! Election Day is April 19th, at 12:30 sharp! In addition to Elections, this will be the day that International Studies Program Director, Dr. James Biles will announce the changes and updates to the program. This meeting that’s fresh from Spring Break is one what you don’t want to miss!

*For more information on what we are looking for in officers and active students, please see the leadership description  and alternative involvement posts on this website. If you have further concerns or questions, contact us.

Elections Redux

This just in from the Undergraduate Student Government meeting: all clubs have to have an election for the 2012-2013 Academic Year before April 29th. What this means is…

SAIS will be having their elections this April!!!

Stay tuned for the specific date for the election and flyers. For anyone who wanted to be a leader, this is your chance!

Election Results!

Our first meeting of the semester was a success! There was a decent size amount of people, and of those people who were in attendance; they have already shown interest in getting more involved! We covered all of the new ways of getting active in SAIS this semester, including:

  • the Events Committee
  • Decorating Crew (to help spruce up the suite)
  • T-shirt Design contest
  • Peer Advising

More details about these groups will be posted soon a new page called “Involvement,” as well as pictures from the meeting!

Last but certainly not least: congratulations are in order to the two newest SAIS officers! Former Treasurer, Dairanys Grullon-Virgil threw her hat in the Vice-President race and won! Then, following a brilliant motion by adviser Dr. Biles, it was decided that the second runner-up would automatically become the new treasurer, making Yani Labor Koroma the winner! The rest of the Executive Board shall remain the same, and we thank everyone in attendance. Not only was there good food, but a lot of great ideas where presented by fellow students.

Cheers to the new semester!