11 to 12 + an Update

We just would like to acknowledge and welcome Lena Kheir to the Global City team! As an active participant in SAIS and the Events Committee, we are more than happy to welcome her aboard. As always, we encourage anyone wishing to gain more writing and social media experience to contact us through the page titled “Wanted.”

*UPDATE: Please be on the look out for those Summer Stories we promised! There are being edited as we speak, and the first few will be from IS graduate Gina, and current students Nisha and Azikiwe; who respectively went to South Africa, Brazil and Chicago. There will be more to follow throughout the early parts of the semester.

Osaka Correspondent

Hey Guys!

I hope everyone had a wonderful semester and is surviving the post-finals shock. I’m so excited to be apart of Global City and can’t wait to share my adventures and stories with everyone. This coming academic year I will be studying at Kwansei Gakuin University in Osaka, Japan. I will post throughout my entire study abroad experience as an “Osaka Correspondent“. I hope you all can find something useful in my own experiences trying to study abroad as broke college student. Thanks for having me!

Best Wishes!

First Meeting of 2012!

Hello again! Just posting to remind you that our first meeting of the Spring 2012 semester is one week from today, February 2nd from 12:30-1:45pm, in NAC 6/293. This is the meeting that we encourage anyone interested in the Vice-President position within the SAIS cabinet to attend! If you need specific information regarding the expectations of the position, please click here!

Also to be discussed:

  • Alternative ways to get involved: Committees, Advising, and Social Media
  • Fundraising ideas and goals for the semester
  • Potential event ideas
  • Suggestions and Q&A

Did I mention free food? Free food! Either way you should try you’re best to be there!

Hello and Welcome

This blog is intended to connect the International Studies Program community of City College together, whether you are an alumni or a current freshman. We want to hear your ideas, thoughts on current issues in the media, and more importantly keep you informed on what is going on. It may be managed by a few people, but the goal is to serve our global community on campus and beyond (hence the title of the blog). Cheers to a new beginning!
